Brave New World is a novel based upon a "utopian" society, much like the society created in Orwell's 1984, however instead of basing the control of the government on fear, it is based upon contentment. The values of today's world are manipulated so that everyone is happy at all times, and if they are not, they can just pop a pill and they are back to feeling fantastic. Basically the goal of the government is to make every aspect of life acceptable to the public, so that they will not complain, and they will work very hard and efficiently all day long.
The value of monogamy is one that is completely destroyed and is very apparently destroyed when Fanny says to Lenina, "everyone belongs to everyone else". Promiscuous sex is encouraged because if there is no sexual frustration that gets built up between partners, then people will be that much less distracted at work and be that much more efficient.
The concepts of impulse and desire in our society today are viewed as good sometimes, but at other times they should be controlled. This is due to a stronger set of moral standards than are present in Brave New World. In that society anything that is distracting should be acted upon to get rid of the inefficiency of being human. In short, the government is trying to dehumanize all the citiziens and literally make them machines, moral standards are gone, and the manipulation of people and humanity is present in literature once again.
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